Need help with commercial insurance?
Talk to Aoife and our commercial insurance team by filling out our contact form, we’re ready to answer your queries today.
Employers/Public Liability
Employers liability insurance provides cover for the employer if they become legally liable to their employees for injury/death/diseases and/or damages, expenses & costs, which occurred during the course of their employment with the company. All trades provided for.
Public liability insurance provides cover for the owner if they become legally liable to a member of the public for bodily injury/death/diseases, damages, expenses and costs and/or damage to their property following an accident which occurred during the period of insurance, and is in connection with the business. All occupations considered including but not limited to builders, electricians, landscape gardeners, sign writers, window cleaners.
Professional indemnity
Professional indemnity Insurance provides cover if you become legally liable to a member of the public following an error or omission in the professional advice or services you have provided your client, and as a result your client has suffered a financial loss. All occupations considered – including but not limited to Pharmacies, Engineers, Accountants and market research agents.
Commercial property owners – occupied & unoccupied
A commercial property owner insurance policy is designed to protect your interests via a single, comprehensive policy. This offers excellent value for money and protects your business against loss of, or physical damage, to your property assets. We can quote for occupied & unoccupied properties.
Retail, office & surgery cover
We can help you find the best policy to meet your specific business needs. Whether you are a boutique, barber, shop, accountants, doctors’ surgery or pharmacy, we can save you time and money by searching and comparing different insurers on your behalf.
Motor fleet insurance
Fleet insurance protects businesses financially from compensation claims from third parties as a result of a motor accident or from the theft of a vehicle. These third-party claims could be in the form of financial compensation for injury or property damage for a third party. From 2 vehicles taken.
Restaurants, cafés & takeaways
We can help you find the best policy to meet your specific business needs, full comprehensive cover available, covering property, contents, machinery, public liability, employer’s liability. The hospitality trade covers a range of business including pubs, restaurants, cafes, takeaways, as well as businesses like B&B’s, guest houses, and hotels.
Commercial combined
Our commercial combined insurance policy is a comprehensive package of business insurance products in one policy. It is designed to be flexible enough to meet the business insurance needs of a wide range of commercial operations, including motor garages, manufacturing, wholesale, distribution leisure, pharmacies, charities and non-profit organisations.